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Prep And Save Fire Starter Kit

Brand: Prep and Save

$9.95 $14.95

The Fire Starter Kit has supplies to help you start a fire. This small kit would be a great addition to anyone's camping supplies, hiking gear, or emergency prep.The kit comes in a water-resistant container allowing you to keep all your supplies together so you’re not rooting through your gear looking for what you need to start a fire. When you're hiking, ounces can seem like pounds and this compact, lightweight kit will help you keep the weight down but still give you vital supplies to keep you safe.This Fire Starter Kit Contains:Waterproof Matches 40pk X 1Waterproof Pill Container that holds 5 Cotton Balls for Tinder X 1Fire Starter Sticks X 23 in 1 Flint X 1Water Resistant Container X1The waterproof pill container has 5 cotton balls you can use for tinder (fuel) to help get your fire started easier. We recommend removing the cotton balls and rubbing them in petroleum jelly (vaseline). This allows the cotton balls to combust very easily. It's a great way to cheat starting a fire.The fire sticks give you the extra fuel to get your fire going so you can start adding bigger twigs and branches.Striking the 3-in-1 flint can cause a spark to reach temperatures up to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the material used in the flint.A helpful tip on using your flint is to scrape off the black material coating the rod to get to the silver layer. (The manufacturer covers the rod in a black coating to look good in packaging.) Then hold the flint at a 45-degree angle toward your tinder, directing the sparks at it. Pleasepractice at home in a safe location because sometimes it's not at easy as it looks.Remember, coating your cotton balls with petroleum jelly really helps out a lot. The 3-in-1 flint also has a built-in whistle in the striking handle so you can signal for help and a split ring so you can attach it to your key ring or add the pill container filled with cotton balls.Little things like this fire starter kit can make your outdoor or survival experience more successful.

The Fire Starter Kit has supplies to help you start a fire. This small kit would be a great addition to anyone's camping supplies, hiking gear, or emergency prep.The kit comes in a water-resistant container allowing you to keep all your supplies together so you’re not rooting through your gear looking for what you need to start a fire. When you're hiking, ounces can seem like pounds and this compact, lightweight kit will help you keep the weight down but still give you vital supplies to keep you safe.This Fire Starter Kit Contains:Waterproof Matches 40pk X 1Waterproof Pill Container that holds 5 Cotton Balls for Tinder X 1Fire Starter Sticks X 23 in 1 Flint X 1Water Resistant Container X1The waterproof pill container has 5 cotton balls you can use for tinder (fuel) to help get your fire started easier. We recommend removing the cotton balls and rubbing them in petroleum jelly (vaseline). This allows the cotton balls to combust very easily. It's a great way to cheat starting a fire.The fire sticks give you the extra fuel to get your fire going so you can start adding bigger twigs and branches.Striking the 3-in-1 flint can cause a spark to reach temperatures up to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the material used in the flint.A helpful tip on using your flint is to scrape off the black material coating the rod to get to the silver layer. (The manufacturer covers the rod in a black coating to look good in packaging.) Then hold the flint at a 45-degree angle toward your tinder, directing the sparks at it. Pleasepractice at home in a safe location because sometimes it's not at easy as it looks.Remember, coating your cotton balls with petroleum jelly really helps out a lot. The 3-in-1 flint also has a built-in whistle in the striking handle so you can signal for help and a split ring so you can attach it to your key ring or add the pill container filled with cotton balls.Little things like this fire starter kit can make your outdoor or survival experience more successful.

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